light body

tune in

This full day retreat at Pear Tree Studios is an immersion into energy, sound and vibration. Using movement, visualisation, colour and sound to enhance the vibration of both the body and biofield.

Fee: £77 including lunch (£66 conc)

Summer Day Retreat: 14th July

A day to immerse ourselves in our energy centres (chakras) and energy fields for maintenance and rejuvenation.

The day will start with the root chakra and end the day at our crown. Moving with each 7 main chakras and beyond, restoring our energy systems through breathwork, toning, ‘chi’ based movement and relaxation to leave us re-balanced and aligned.

The Biofield is a living field of energy and information that surrounds all living things, through intention, visualisation and subtle awareness we can balance and stabilise each energy centre or chakra using toning, mudras and sacred healing movement.

Chakras also known as wheels or flowers are channels of energy/prana/chi in the aura or biofield.

  • 09.30  Mindful Movement and Root Chakra

  • 10:00  Coffee break

  • 10.30  Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakra

  • 12.30  Lunch

  • 13.30  Heart and Throat

  • 14.30  Tea break

  • 15.00  Third eye and Crown Mediation

  • 15.30  Relaxation/Sound Bath

  • help us identify and tune into our subtle energy and subtle sentience.

  • to fortify and strengthen each energy centre by giving tone, colour and vibration to each chakra .

  • how to clear the chakras and subtle energy fields, to help us align with our soul self thereby aligning the physical, mental and emotional bodies.

The Retreat Aims

  • to discover practices that will support and stabilise us in zero point and becoming the neutral observer.

  • to recognise the power of deeper listening, what is really being asked of us, how to come into deepest alignment in our lives.

  • to raise the energetic frequency of the body and biofield.


  • For anyone who is inquisitive subtle energy and has a strong meditative/yogic practice, we will be clearing and strengthening our lifeforce signature.  We build, re-balance and restore our energy fields back into auric coherence.

  • Chakras also known as wheels or flowers are channels of energy/prana/chi in the aura or biofield. these junctions are and the word “chakra” means “wheel” or “circle.”  These vortices of power allow energy to flow through the aura and the subtle nervous system. They allow the individual, as a conscious being, to use this energy

    A chakra looks very much like when taking the plug out of the bathtub, the escaping water creates a whirlpool over the plug hole. It goes down and tapers off to a point, a whirlpool in which energies are drawn in or radiated outwards through the aura. These centres are joined to the spine and the nervous system via the fascia. If you imagine these centres like multi-coloured whirlpools, starting at a point on the spinal column and coming right out in the aura like a flower.

  • Please wear comfortable and warm clothing, bring a notebook, a packed lunch and water.

  • Yes, there will be tea breaks throughout the day and water whenever you need.

'There is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music in the spacing of the spheres'. Pythagorus


Book Your Place

Investment: £66/donation/barter/£77 with lunch
8 spaces maximum
You can also send me a WhatsApp on 07734235751
By making a booking you are agreeing to the terms and conditions.